Donegal Sports Partnership


Donegal Local Sports Partnership Company Limited by Guarantee registered with the Companies Registration Office.

Overall management and governance of the DSP are provided by the Board of Directors who are representative of the key statutory, voluntary and community sectors in County Donegal. The day to day management of the DSP is provided by the DSP’s Coordinator and staff.

The Governments National Sports Policy (2018-27) requires all organisations in receipt of Government funding through Sport Ireland adopt the Governance Code. The DSP Board have embraced its challenges in particular a review of the DSP’s Governance and all that it entails, to ensure that the DSP is compliant with the Governance Code for Sport: ‘A Code of Practice for Good Governance of Sport Organisations in Ireland as promoted by Sport Ireland. It’s expected to be completed by December 2021.

The DSP also ensures that the organisation is governed and managed in an open, transparent manner with an annual independent audit of all finances received into the accounts of the company.

Donegal Sports Partnership Public Statement of Compliance

The current Board of Directors are (August, 2024);

Mr P.J. Hallinan, Chairperson (Inishowen Partnership)
Ms Síle Uí Ghallchóir, Vice-Chairperson (PPN)
Dr Martin Gormley, Secretary (Donegal ETB)
Mr Joe Sweeney, Treasurer (PPN: Inishowen Community Forum)
Cllr Donal Coyle, Director (Donegal County Council, Elected Representative)
Ms Brenda Hegarty, Director (LCDC: Local Enterprise Office)
Ms Claire McCallan, Director (Donegal County Council, Local Government Officer)
Mr James Canny, Director (PPN)
Mr Michael Mac Giolla Easbuig, Director (LCDC: Udaras na Gaeltachta)
Ms Odel Ward, Director (PPN)
Cllr Michael McMahon, Director (Elected Representative, Donegal County Council)
Mr Seamus Campbell, Director (Sports Ability Forum)
Ms Siobhan Cullen, Director (Atlantic Technological University)
Mr Nigel Ferry, Director (PPN)
*PPN – Public Participation Network

A number of key sub committees are also established under the DSP Governance Code including:

Executive Committee
Strategic Planning Sub Committee
Finance, Audit & Risk Sub Committee (FARC)

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