Donegal Sports Partnership

About Us

Donegal Local Sports Partnership Company Limited by Guarantee (Donegal Sports Partnership/DSP) was established in 2001 by Sport Ireland to coordinate the development of sport and physical activity in County Donegal.

The key objectives of the DSP: 

  • Providing opportunities for participating in sport and physical activities for individuals and specific target groups especially those most disadvantaged or marginalised.
  • Delivering a comprehensive suite of sports related training and education initiatives which support capacity building and skill development.

Donegal Sports Partnership’s is an inter-agency and multi-sectoral organisation with representatives from all the main statutory agencies and the community and voluntary sectors on its Board of Directors. 

The Board supports and governs the DSP, who along with its staff ensure that the DSP conforms to the guidelines, procedures and principles of the Governance Code provided by Sport Ireland.  

Although its office is based in Letterkenny, the DSP works throughout County Donegal and on a number of cross-border initiatives.  Many of the initiatives, projects and programmes of the DSP are delivered in collaboration with key statutory, community organisations and sporting groups who represent many of the target groups including disabilities, older adults, women and children etc… 

Sport Ireland through its network of 29 Local Sports Partnership’s helps people to get active and remove barriers to sports and physical activity. 

“The LSP network plays a vital role and has been tasked, in particular, with increasing participation levels in sport and physical activity, especially among those sectors of society that are currently underrepresented in sport. Their capacity to remove barriers and ensure that opportunities for participation in sport are progressive, innovative and fully inclusive at a local level is a unique and valuable strength.” National Sports Policy 2018-2027

‘Promoting an Active Donegal’ has been developed as an overarching theme to help communicate the nature of the work of the partnership and is further organised along a framework of four pillars: Active Sports, Active Schools, Active Communities and Active Partnerships. 

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